ACTION REQUIRED: FAR (floor Area Ratio) ZOTA to come before COUNCIL 9/24

Dear Neighbors,

The Urban County Council is considering an Ordinance that would take the R-3, R-4, and R-5 apartment zones and significantly increase the allowable floor space to lot size ratio, height, and lot coverage.  It’s possible to have R-3 and R-4 zoning with single family detached housing, and the Ordinance, if passed, would encourage developers and real estate investors to convert land from single family detached housing to apartment use at significantly higher density.

 Find out if you have R-3, R-4, or R-5 zones in the vicinity of your neighborhood, and assess whether the proposed ZOTA could have a negative impact on the area in which you live.  Also consider that a developer could request a zone change to an apartment zone, particularly if you are located near an arterial or collector street.
The proposal likely will come up before Council on September 24, so please contact your Council Member to express your opinion.  You can reach all council members by sending an email to
The Ordinance is receiving strong support from the Fayette Alliance representing Lexington’s rural area, LFUCG Planning, and segments of the Lexington’s development community.
The Fayette County Neighborhood Council has significant concerns about this so-called FAR ZOTA.  You can find the FCNC letter to the Council at .  (see next post for letter to Council)

Link to the Official Zoning Atlas for Fayette County:

Map of R3, R4, R5 zoneswhich would be affected by the new FAR ZOTA