FCNC General Meeting, Monday October 16 — changes proposed!

October 6, 2023

 FCNC General Meeting, Monday October 16, Tates Creek Christian Church, 3150 Tates Creek Road; Meeting Starts at 6:30

 Speakers–Lexington Division of Planning


 New Accessory Dwelling Unit Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZOTA) 

Transit-based Development  at Transit Stations on Corridors ZOTA 

Bonus Zoning for Affordable Housing Developments in Residential Areas 

Modernized Zoning–Higher density, more flexibility for developers, less zoning, less focus


Dear Neighbors,

 We are fortunate to be hosting a Lexington Division of Planning presentation on a new Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ZOTA, a Transit-Based Development ZOTA, a Zoning Bonus ZOTA for the Development of Affordable Housing in residential areas, and a new Modernized Zoning ZOTA.

The ADU ZOTA  proposes to eliminate a hosting requirement for ADUs  The new ZOTA would permit the construction of detached ADUs, it allows ADUs to be used as short-term rentals (STRs), it appears to reduce building code requirements, height could be whatever height requirements exist in each zone, and no requirements appear to exist that an ADU be built in context with the surrounding environment.

The Transit-Based ZOTA calls for higher density multifamily residential development near new transit stations on corridors without specifying size, location, corridors, height, etc.

The Zoning Bonus ZOTA calls for-automatic up zoning for affordable housing developments.  R-1 – R -1E becomes R-1T, R-1T becomes R2, R-2 becomes R-3, etc.

The Modernized ZOTA deals with the R-2 Zone (formerly duplex), R-4, and R5 and changes that can be in various levels of retail development–starting with the

B-1 Neighborhood Business Zone.  This is a complicated ZOTA, and just dealing with the R-2 Zone, it reduces lot size, allows up to 12 multifamily units per lot, reduces setbacks, requires that single family detached housing have no more than 5 houses next to each other without interspersing something else (presumably a business or an STR), cottage developments, etc.  It might be described as nearly a no zoning zone.

This promises to be a very informative meeting for nearly all neighborhoods.  I urge multiple people from each neighborhood to attend the meeting.  All are welcome.  We hope to see you at 6:30 on Monday the 16th.  If you have any questions, please contact FCNC at fayetteneighborhoods@gmail.com.


Walt Gaffield, President

Fayette County Neighborhood Council, Inc.