Agenda for Jan. 11 General Membership Mtg.

January 6, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

Below is the agenda for the Fayette County Neighborhood Council’s January 11 general meeting at 7 p.m.. Please plan to “arrive” at the meeting by 6:55 so that we may start relatively on time!

1. Discussion of rewritten by-laws (7:00-7:30). Highlights—
• Organizational and individual voting memberships
• Board openings with terms that expire on a rotating basis
• Goals and objectives to increase diversity of Board and Membership
• Organized committee structure
See draft by laws to be approved here.
Vote for approval/disapproval of by-laws.

2. Concerned neighbors to discuss proposed upcoming zone change near Transylvania University (7:30-7:40)

3. Introduction of Panel to address questions (7:40-8:30) – questions either submitted to in advance of this meeting or from the floor. In the absence of questions, some of the issues within the Urban County Government are as follows:
a. Accessory dwelling units
b. Proposed sign ordinance
c. Alternative regulation for zoning map amendment (zone change)
d. Digital billboard ordinance
e. Racial Justice and Equity report/action
f. Nicholasville Road study/corridor development
g. Open space ordinance
h. Parking ordinance
i. Context sensitive design for development
j. Development on the floodplain
k. LFUCG budget
l. Open roads ordinance
m. Urban Services Boundary

It will not be possible to discuss all topics in the time allotted, so it would be helpful for you to ask questions to narrow the discussion. If we have no submitted questions, the panel will pick several to discuss. Please consider sending questions in advance to

As previously stated, this meeting will take place using Zoom software. Because this is the first time we have met using this format, please plan to exercise patience and a sense of humor! We have been told that there is a learning curve! The previous email gave instructions on joining the Zoom meeting. If you expect to speak at the Zoom meeting, please be sure to UNMUTE your window at the appropriate time. The mute feature is a default of all windows in a meeting, and each user must unmute himself or herself to be heard. You do this by moving your cursor to the lowest line on the Zoom screen; this will cause a red line of icons to appear, the leftmost of which is a mute/unmute button. If there is a slash through the microphone icon, your microphone is muted; click to unmute.


Walt Gaffield, President
Fayette County Neighborhood Council, Inc.