In January of 2005 FCNC formed a Neighborhood Consulting Service and installed a telephone line with a voice mail box (373-0793) whereby neighbors with problems or questions could call and leave a message and we would respond within 24-48 hours. The service has been very successful. More often than not we answer your question and/or solve the problem and if not, we can refer you to someone or some entity that can.
Frequently asked questions:
1. Can you help us organize a neighborhood association?
2. Should our Treasurer be bonded?
3. Who should write checks on the association’s account?
4. How can we protect ourselves if our neighborhood owns a retention or detention basin?
5. Is it a good idea to have professional management of our neighborhood?
6. Should we let renters join our association?
7. What can we do if our Association President refuses to call a meeting or elect new officers as required by our by-laws?
8. What do we do if we know there is criminal activity going on in the neighborhood and neighbors are afraid to report it for fear of retaliation?