FCNC was formed several years ago when some neighborhoods gathered to discuss issues and problems they had in common. They then decided that working together would be a more efficient way of solving some of those problems and issues. Protecting neighborhoods’ integrity, aesthetics, history, quality of life and functionality created a common basis from which to devise solutions. Thousands of hours later and hundreds of meetings later much has been accomplished for the good of our neighborhoods.
FCNC serves as an advocate before the community and the government for matters that are important to our neighbors. The organization operates on the premise that collectively neighborhoods can accomplish many things that they could never do in a single fashion. We are committed to serving as an information conduit to you, our neighbors. We do this through mailings, newsletters, speakers, workshops and conferences.
FCNC has tackled tough community problems of storm water and sanitary sewers and traffic. We have supported the Purchase of Development Rights program and the Tree Ordinance and opposed the Pipeline to Louisville. We have advocated for parks and greenways and bike paths for all our neighborhoods. We are very committed to clean water and clean air.
FCNC is a 501C3 tax deductible organization. Our membership is open to all Fayette County Neighborhood Associations.